Rotary Calciners
The Ansac HK Series Kiln is an indirect fired, horizontal rotary Kiln ideally suited to pyrolysis, industrial materials drying and carbon regeneration. The HK Series Kiln offers unparalleled carbon regeneration and material drying services whilst keeping the operating costs to a minimum through extremely high thermal efficiency.
We believe that our engineers have developed the most thermally efficient Rotary Kiln available on the market today. By combining several unique features on the HK Series, we have maximised its operational capacity to such an extent that it continues to deliver beyond customer expectations.
The primary differentiation between the HK Series Rotary Kiln and that of many other kiln designs lies in the Centre-Line-Drive; an innovative mechanism that suspends the Kiln heat tube from the gear box at the discharge end of the Kiln and a yolk and bearing device at the feed end. This design feature allows for almost complete encapsulation of the heat tube, leading to significantly higher thermal efficiency and lower fuel consumption.
The HK Series Rotary Kiln also features a compact Feed Screw that provides a reduction in the level of crushing that can often take place in standard feed screw augers and ‘Lifters’ located on the inside of the heat tube. The ‘Lifters’ promote process activity whilst gently moving the feed material through the Kiln which, together with the compact Feed Screw, can reduce processing times significantly.
Ansac’s Rotary Kiln, with its small footprint and quiet operation, is currently handling material in around fifty countries across the globe, providing our clients with a thermally efficient process solution.
For more information regarding Rotary Calciners please contact Stantil Engineering via enquiries@stantil.com.au